People are always asking me, "where are you from?" It's just something you ask living in NYC, assuming that no one you meet is actually from this city. So, to answer your question, I am from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. If you have read some of my commandments, you already know that I am a big believer in being proud of where you are from. Don't worry I am not going to go on and on about ketchup or The Steelers (both of which I love), but I am going to give a big shout out to my amazing girlfriend from home, Abby Warhola, who is an incredible photogropher. She also just so happens to be Andy Warhol's great-niece. Very few people know that Andy dropped the "a" in Warhola. Abby, who kept the "a", actually lives in the house that Andy grew up in. It is a historic landmark, obviously. Abby actually owns a painting that "Uncle Andy" did of the living room of the home where he grew up and she currently resides. She believes it was done from memory as some of the portions are a bit off, as if as a young child he may have remembered the room larger than it actually was.
Anyway, just like her great Uncle, Abby was born to be an artist. We shot pics and video for about an hour and boom. Done. She's so talented that you would never know I was actually freezing my tits off. I am going to insist that the next cool brand I consult with, works with her. Check out this video we shot, it is seriously the coolest brand ever's next prefall lookbook. Am I right?