Ok, so it is that crazy time of year when there are not enough hours in the day and everyone seems completely psychotic. Oh, and thank you Victoria Secret for airing your fashion show when I have absolutely NO time to make it to the gym. Isn't it already painful enough that our boyfriends do not understand why we aren't Victoria Secret models? Is it truly impossible to air the show in the Spring (to help with the summer motivation) and not during the most hectic time of year? I guess one could argue that if I had time to watch the VS Show that I technically had time to go to the gym... uhmmm.. sh!t...but, I was technically working on this outfit post while I watched.. and I know what you're thinking... Uhm, honey it's winter, you don't seem psychotic, you actually are with those bare arms and legs. Ok, so I did shoot this look in NYC about a month ago and I was kind of cold, but I am ALWAYS kind of cold. I could have saved the post for the Spring (when I will be watching the VS Show on my DVR) but I wanted to share the VEST because I have been LIVING in it and because it's only $99. It is a very helpful piece considering the fact I have 5 sweaters on rotation and there are 7 days in the week... but seriously, no one seems to notice if I wear the same exact outfit and the next day just add the vest. Or maybe everyone is just too busy to care! Shop the look and the additional pieces I am mixing in below! xxb
Shot by Robert Banat // Bottega Venta bag from Bella Bag