I once heard that Anna Wintour stores all of her furs underneath the Fendi Store on Fifth Avenue. I envision the storage unit to be carpeted wall to wall, and organized by huge teak wood walls. I see beams of light, like the rays at the gates of heaven and smell Baies Diptyque Candles burning. I thought about this magical, mysterious, hiding place countless times as I trucked it from show to show in the freezing tundra, (a.k.a. New York City in the middle of February). Fantasizing about this warm, happy place was certainly helpful. It was also reassuring to know that you weren't the only one suffering. Each time we walked outside we (bloggers, models, editors, etc.) tested, our layering skills, balance (heels on ice), and our patience (ok, fine everyone used Uber - we have no patience). It was seriously cold... we had to stick together, we had to get gritty. On day three I saw a cute blogger baring her midriff and my teeth automatically stopped chattering. Now that's tenacity! Nice work everyone. Check out my outfit from Day 1. Kisses b.
Photos by my friend and amazing photographer Allie Beckwith.
Top by Wes Gordon, Coat vintage (I'd get this or this), Glasses by Ray Ban
And I was like... follow us on Bloglovin xb