Let's take a moment and talk about things that are top of mind. Please bare with me on the self-help stuff. I mean, it is January and this is a lifestyle blog... ok, so:
1. Baby blue. I'm calling it the new winter white. It's so very ice queen of me, but with new blonder balayage hair via Lena Ott... I can't help myself and have been adding it in via shoes, jacket, nails, you name it.
2. IPL. If you aren't doing your IPL laser treatment now, when exactly are you going to do it? I get tons of emails about your skin. If you have sun damage and would like not to...get on board. It is the best laser in terms of your complexion... just make sure to do your homework and go to someone legit. This is your face we are talking about.
3. @aviewfromthetopp - My fav Instagram follow this week. We have a lot of the same shoes and I really like her legs. The pic above is knock off verson of what she does.
4. Barry's Bootcamp - ok, December was kind of disgusting. I am living in regret at Barry's 3 days a week, but it's working.
5. Physique 57 - While Barry's thins me out, I find it necessary to add in Physique to get my booty perky... also, nothing really does it for my inner thighs like squeezing that damn ball. Think of the importance of our inner thighs in just a few short months. Do it now while the weather sucks and your priorities revolve around The Bachelor and Modern Family. Oh and p.s. I am currently over spinning for the moment. January is boring enough without it.
6. Clean Start - Last January I did the Clean Program, which is a 21 day, hard-core, kinda no fun at all, food cleanse. The food or lack thereof made me extremely emotional and by week 2, I was bitching at anyone who referred to me as "Bridget" (opposed to some cute nickname) why did everyone have such an attitude?! I did feel lighter and in a sense I did have more energy, but it was like "wake up without your alarm clock" energy and be "functional with zero coffee" energy, because you obviously are not allowed coffee. Forget about working out, or socializing unless you can do so without food, snacks or alcohol. Personally, I think Clean Start is a more realistic choice. It is 100% natural and you take it with your breakfast and dinner for 2 weeks. Eat clean, whole foods, lots of green juice, fresh, organic everything, drink a ton of water and if you have to cheat on the weekends you won't feel like a slacker who can't finish anything. I am always insanely happy with the results.
Leave your comments below on what you would like to discuss further oh and my outfit deets below. kisses xb