Sorry for the delay in posting, for the first time ever... I had writer's block. I uploaded photos on Tuesday and have spent the time since then acting like Hannah on Girls. You know... staring at my computer screen, eating ice cream, texting my friends about my writers block, eating more ice cream. Anyway, today I decided I would take matters into my own hands and instead of being a masochist (like Hannah) and cutting bangs, I volunteered to join one of my girlfriends and offer emotional support while she "got her cheeks done" on her lunch break. Yes, that's right... her cheeks. I know what you are thinking... it sounds crazy. I thought the same thing and so naturally, I went. So here is the deal, as we age we lose facial volume and skin elasticity which causes our "smile lines", a.k.a. nasolabial folds (the lines that run from the side of the nose to the corner of the mouth) to become deeper and more noticeable. Until I accompanied my friend to American Laser, I was under the impression that when this happens you were to use a filler such as Juvederm to fill in the lines. However, by doing so you don't only fill in the lines... you also add volume to that section of the face, which isn't necessarily flattering. Today I learned of an alternative option, which is using Radiesse to lift your cheeks. Go ahead, push your cheek up slightly using your finger. Not only do you create a cheek bone and a cute little apple, but your "smile lines" also appear softer. Yes, they are still there, but they look softer and your face... very natural. And if you are really old or just absolutely HATE those lines you can use a filler called, Belotero which is a gel and softer than other fillers on the market, which allows it to integrate into facial skin more easily and adapts to facial contours. Belotero, is designed to be injected superficially and therefore will only fill the wrinkle, opposed to an area of your face.
Holy heck, my friend looked completely adorable. It's one of those procedures where no one can put their finger on what you did, but everyone notices you look especially good. She said the pain was minimal to moderate (Lidocaine was used to numb the areas as the Radiesse was injected) and she did say she swelled up a bit a few hours later, so take the time to ice afterwards. But, she looks incredibly amazing and fresh and young and I am into it. I will also say that it has a lot to do with the injector, I have seen bad Botox done by plastic surgeons and I don't think they are necessarily the best. I think you are always better off to use a referral and/or find someone board certified who does injections all day, every day and knows how the products react. Nora at American Laser has my vote.
P.S. on my ride home I was flipping through US Weekly and couldn't help but notice that so many of the celeb's cheeks resembled my girlfriend's new look. You can tell me it's makeup til you are blue in the face but I know what I saw today. Welcome to the secret society.
Photos of Natasha Poly for Vogue Spain