Dating in the city is hard but romance can feel borderline impossible. Every girl knows the classic story. Girl downloads app. Girl deletes app. Girl downloads another app and hopes for the best on the 4th first date of the month. Turns out good things come to those who monogram but more on that in minute.
Some of you might remember when I decided to take a chance and invite Mike on a trip with Ralph Lauren Fragrances. At the time, we had only been on a few dates. It was still very much in the “is this ok?” phase. It felt a little against the rules but I rationalized it and I needed someone to go with. I didn’t think too much of it when I gave his full name as my plus one.
I got to the hotel room first and found the most generous gifts. Ralph Lauren Fragrances is always so amazing. So amazing in fact that all of these gifts were monogrammed. Cue my internal freak out. Mike was on his way. Here I was this girl he barely knows with a bunch of monogrammed gifts for him (they were really good ones, but still ya know?) and not a clue what to do. After a few glasses of wine and DM pep talks, I settled on just going with it. Mike got quite the welcome with his initials everywhere.
Flash forward to now and we’re still together. This summer the uncertainty of the early stages of dating has faded away. Montauk will always hold a special place but who can resist the magic of NYC? We’ve created so many amazing memories by just walking out the door for an impromptu date night. The city has everything you need on a summer night for romance.
It’s such a full-circle experience to be able to partner with Ralph Lauren Fragrances again especially for the launch of their newest fragrance – Beyond Romance. It’s a sensual blend of fresh Rose Centifolia Absolute, Raspberry Coulis, and Black Vanilla. The notes of the fragrance create this unexpected twist that remind you to be just as adventurous. It takes me back to those early days in Montauk last summer.
After all, this is the brand that helped show me when it comes to romance sometimes you have to break a few rules and for the right one, maybe even monogram a few robes.
The new fragrance is now available at Macys.
xoxo B